Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Aubree - The addition to the sneak peak ;)

So, after drinking TWO diet dr pepper (even though I'm on an anti soda, anti coffeine diet right now) and after letting my kids go run wild and pretty much destroy the house, I'm done editing the shoot from yesterday. I'm decently busy at the time and have decided, I have to edit this shoot before tomorrow's next shoot. And even now, I still have a wedding to finish edit. (Anyone volunteer to do it for me? JK!) Here some of the pictures that made an impression on me. I've got tons of great pictures due to my models and the beautiful light! 

 NORMALLY I'm not the type to edit my pictures all diffuse, but it just seemed to be right for a little fairy to look a little dream-like. After all, that's how I imagine my fairy land (I LOVE fairies, it's one of the cheesy things that I actually embrace). Love the fact that they live in forests, love trees, love flowers, love streams and everything else that belongs to a fairy land. So here you go... my fairy land.
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And after those dreamy ones, here a little more real ones. Ones where she did not have to listen to me... just be herself. Selection (67)

and then she even gave me a little attitude ;) look at that smirk Selection (93)

And now,let's see the whole family together... Selection (16) Selection (12) Selection (25)

And it would not be complete without seeing some interactions between parents and daughter... Always try to get some of those in the shoot too. Cause that's what every parent wants, right?

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That's it for today. Now i'll go play with my kids. They've well deserved my attention now ;)

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