Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Ginn Grandkids

The hard thing about taking pictures of 10 children (most of them very small) is, they don't always do what you say. (Let's not pretend like adults to what I say)
But the easy thing about taking pictures of kids is, no matter what face they make, children are just cute. And the Ginn Grandkids especially.
I would take them all home, but I think my kids would get a bit jealous ;)
Also, I LOVED that each child had a different outfit and that they decided to make each child look fantastic in their own way (only the twins matched and I think we can agree that this is perfectly cute!) Talking about individuality!

GinnSmall (7) GinnSmall (37) GinnSmall (39) GinnSmall (45) GinnSmall (48) GinnSmall (41) GinnSmall (56)

GinnSmall (60) GinnSmall (52)
GinnSmall (49)

You guys rocked the shoot!

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