Thursday, September 8, 2011

underwater fun

One thing I love about photography is that there is basically no limit to what you can do. We have had this throw away underwater camera for a few years... why we did not use it before, I don't know. So, we used it, brought it to be developed, scanned it and here we are. Some random family pictures. unterwater (1)

I might sound super stupid when I say this (especially around my SoCal friends) but until about one month ago, I was NOT able to get my head under water unless I pinched my nose. So, this here is HUGE progress! Even with a smile. Just for you ;) unterwater (2) unterwater (3)

The coming up pic has me laughing every time I looked at it. Doesn't it kind of look like a really ugly 80ties swimsuit that's cut super high on the leg? I hate those and they make me laugh. (Maybe, only maybe they make me depressed cause even though I would not weare one of them, I wish I could - while looking great in it. hahaha) unterwater (4)

DON'T JUDGE, we dunked both boys. After seeing how FRANTIC Sebi lookes under water, I however consider NEVER EVER dunking him again. I wanted to post the pictures cause they look funny and I promise the boys are fine, but in the same time I was really hesitant in posting them because Sebi looks like he's been seriously tortured here. Like he's being drowned. Sorry dear Sebi-mine. He is fine though and he did not even swallow water. (At least not much) unterwater (5)

Here the over water view unterwater (6)

AAND for a good ending, some hilarious distorted pictures. I laugh looking at the bubbles coming out of my nose. At the distortion. But then I laugh cause even though I look ridiculous I really like the picture!unterwater (7)

Go have fun taking random pictures! Kiss, kiss. Lydia

1 comment:

  1. love, love, love, love!!!!!!!
    seriously, this needs to be my next family session. my next christmas card needs to have bubbles out the nose!
