Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter-Outfits ;)

My Mother in Law got my boys those cute Easter outfits... I could not resist but take pictures of them at the first possible opportunity. (About 5 hours after purchase. Hahaha.)
There was absolutely zero preparation for this shoot, other that I dressed the boys. We just went to a corner of our neighborhood - for good reason. 1st it was in the middle of the hottest part of the day and I did not wanna waste time driving somewhere, since the light was "terrible" and 2nd it was too hot. And 3rd did I mention the heat? ;) And 4th, it's REALLY HARD to take pictures of small children without anyone else helping. I can't get any shots of my boys from afar, because I have to make sure they look at me at least a little, stay in a certain area and then I have to jump back, focus and take the picture. (Literally, I jump and run). I need to remember to ask just pretty much anyone to help me... and of course I had to bribe them by promising them we'll go eat ice-cream later. Well, that one I did partially for myself too ;)

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I love those boys. Even if they do NOT wanna pose for me.

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