Friday, May 11, 2012

Baby Joey

Finally some pictures of Baby Joey - my friend Sarah's second child... first boy ;)
He's such a good baby... and he did so well at the shoot.
We took the pics in their large, nice backyard... while Emily and my boys played somewhere indoors. No need to travel to a special place to take those kind of newborn pictures ;) 
I am not into perfect... never have been. I love the grass showing through with some of the pictures and I love that you can tell those are not taken in a studio. The light is so soft outdoors, just bring your kids and the camera in the shade and snap away! 
HAPPY FRIDAY!!   joeySmall (1)joeySmall (4) joeySmall (5) joeySmall (8) joeySmall (20) joeySmall (19) joeySmall (21) joeySmall (22) joeySmall (30) joeySmall (31) joeySmall (32) joeySmall (37)

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