This is going to be a funny one... at least it was to me.
I've been wanting to get more food storage for a while now, including filling the barrels of water that my in-laws gave us. The barrels are in good condition but don't come with a "opener" also called bung wrench. Also, in order to make water last you need to add something to it like chlorine.
Since there where those earthquakes here and we felt two within 24 hours, I remembered all my goals and started to actually work on it this time.
I went to the Home Depot, thinking they'd have what I wanted and started asking a worker.
Here the conversation:
Him: "You need WHAT?"
Me: "A bung wrench and chlorine. It's to fill a barrel with water, add stuff to make it last and then close it up."
Him: "And why would you want to do that?"
Me: "It's for emergencies."
Him: "And you are gonna drink that water?"
Me: "I hope I never will have to, but if it comes down to it, yes."
Him: "We don't have what you want, sorry. But why don't you make it easy on yourself and go to a store and buy yourself some gallons of water?"
Me: "Cause I already have the barrel and because it holds 55 gallons of water and because it's easy to store. I know it seems crazy, but I'd rather be prepared if something really happens."
Him: "55 gallons? WOW! I bet you have your gun and tons of ammo ready too, huh?"
Me: "No, actually I don't have a gun and I'm not trying to hurt anyone or start a war... I simply want to be ready in case we don't have access to water."
Him: "Well, I've seen those TV shows where they 'get ready for emergencies' and I saw what they do."
Me: Laughed out loud. "I'm not actually a nut, I'm just storing some water."
I know that man was rather offensive, yet I could not but laugh. I was sooo embarrassed realizing how much of a nut I must have looked like to him.
And him assuming that this short pregnant lady with two kids in the "cars-shopping-cart" has butt-loads of ammo at home and the guns with it made me laugh... i mean you never know.
Now we both have a good story, that man about a crazy lady and me about this crazy worker!!
Anyway, we have one barrel up and ordered some more emergency stuff online. Much cheaper anyway.
Cheers to all those other nuts that store water and yes, might have wheat at home. (I just ordered some). Know you are not alone. Hahahaha.
xoxo, Lydia
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