Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kiwi is tough

Who ever said Chihuahua's are not tough had no clue! Today while the kids and I played in the backyard, Kiwi all the sudden jumped up and chased a bird and caught it in it's flight. (Of course, the bird flew low, but I did not think Kiwi was able to catch the bird, it flew fast). It must have been some dove... I'm not sure, but considering Kiwi's size, the bird was pretty large!
I told the kids to not get in Kiwis way (that's after I yelled at her to let the bird go and realized that the bird was pretty much dead). We left her and played in the front of our house. 45 minutes later I took another look in the backyard and Kiwi did this... yes, she ATE IT... after she ripped out all the bird's feathers!
While some people might think it's cruel that watched (and photograph) a dog eat a bird, I was fascinated by her skills. Another reason why I think our dog was stray for a while before we got her. Her survival skills are amazing!

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